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Learn About Homeopathy

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Learn about homeopathy. A picture of homeopathic bottles and bowl.

Learn about homeopathy starting right here. It is an amazing low-cost, safe, and non-toxic system of medicine used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Homeopathic medicine is an alternative medical system that treats the symptoms of a disease with minute doses of a natural substances.

The World Health Organization has cited homeopathy as one of the systems of traditional medicine that should be along side of conventional medicine in order to provide adequate global health care.

From the beginning of the reign of Queen Victoria to the present day the Royal Family of Britain has always had homeopaths as their personal physicians. It is surprising to learn about homeopathy in other countries. Medical professionals in many countries use homeopathic medicine first in their practices. Most pharmacists in Europe dispense herbs, and homeopathics as well as western drugs.

The remedies are made from plant, animal, or minerals. Homeopathics are made by diluting substances, while using kinetic energy.

Who Discovered Homeopathy?

Physician Samuel Hahnemann.

There’s more to learn about homeopathy. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician in the early 1800s, devised and verified the basic system of homeopathy. See more of his story and his discovery in How Homeopathy Works.

Is Homeopathy Safe?

The FDA has determined that homeopathic remedies are SAFE to give to anyone, including infants, pregnant and nursing women and anyone on any prescription medications. They will not interact with any medications; yet can work to normalize healthy functioning of the body. Homeopathy hasn’t had a fatality in 200 years of usage. Homeopathy is surprisingly safe. Prescription and over-the-counter medications cause lots of harm to humanity. Incidents of harm involving homeopathy is almost non-existent when compared to prescription drugs. Homeopathy is powerful and deep acting and, at the same, time gentle and effective.

Does Homeopathy Work?

Homeopathy is also a superb method of self-care for minor conditions such as the common cold and flu. If you select the right remedy, you may notice a change in your symptoms within minutes or hours for ailments that came on suddenly. However, it may take days or weeks to notice a difference in chronic ailments. Homeopathic remedies are particularly effective in treating chronic illnesses that fail to respond to conventional treatment.

How Do I Know Which Remedy to Take?

You may study recommended homeopathic books, or look for a homeopathic practitioner in your area or online.

Do I Take Homeopathic Medicine Like Any Other Medicine?

No, homeopathic remedies are different. If you want a stronger effect out of an aspirin, most people take more than one. With homeopathy, if you want a stronger effect, you take it more often. You may safely take a remedy every few minutes in a crisis.

Take the remedy until the symptoms change. Under normal circumstances, take lower potencies, like 30C, twice a day.

For more information, see Use and Care of Homeopathic Remedies

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