Learn here about Dave Card, CN, CH, MH. He is a Natural Health Practitioner in Salt Lake City, Utah. He consults clients in nutrition and supplements. His unique balance of education, intuition and experience has drawn over 10,000 one-to-one clients in his working life so far.
He also teaches nutrition classes and seminars in his health food stores and in local colleges. (see www.DavesHealth.com.) He still enjoys working with clients amidst study, teaching, and creating unique herbal formulas.
His belief is – if you give the body what it needs it can heal itself. By combining three types of natural supplements the body has a better chance of healing. You can see this in his suggested protocols for Healing Common Ailments.
Asking about what Dave enjoys most about his work…
“My favorite part is being a wellness adviser and seeing people blossom in their health and well-being. I also enjoy customers reporting that our employees have changed their lives.”
Dave is always looking for better natural ways for you to find health. He loves to pass his knowledge onto any who wishes to hear. He is also frequent guest speaker at local colleges of nursing and massage.
He has been involved in the health and nutrition industry since 1980. Dave graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelors in Psychology, and certificate in nutrition. He then graduated as a Certificated Homeopath (C.H.) from the Hahnemann Academy of North America. Later, he finished his Master Herbalist (M.H.) from the School of Natural Healing in Springville, Utah. His study has brought him to create Dave’s Herbal Formulas. These unique formulas were created for challenges such as digestion, circulation, immune function, pain and inflammation, and more.
Dave has authored several books. Homeopathy for Today, Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies, and 12 Essential Mineral for Cellular Health. He has done 5 Seminars. They are The Power of Cell Salts, Seven Symbols of Healing (medical astrology), Facial Diagnosis, Emotional Healing, and Practical Homeopathy. Dave’s seminars will be available on this site at a later date.
Dave is available by phone or in person, to those in the U.S.A., for nutritional and homeopathic consultations. See more at DavesHealth.com/meet-dave.