It is simple to make a homeopathic remedy; however, it does take time and effort. We are working with the second principle of homeopathy here:
Most people believe that the higher the dose of a medicine, the greater the effect. But the opposite holds true in homeopathy where the more a substance is diluted, the higher its potency. Dr. Hahnemann discovered this Law of the Infinitesimal Dose by experimenting with higher and higher dilutions of substances to avoid toxic side effects.
Today, homeopathic remedies are usually prepared through a process of diluting with pure water or alcohol and succussing (vigorous shaking). Homeopathic solutions can be diluted to such an extent that literally no molecules of the original substance remain in the remedy. Yet, the more dilute it gets the more potent it becomes. This phenomenon has been the source of great fascination among practitioners and researchers in the field of homeopathic medicine, as from the point of view of conventional chemistry; diluted homeopathic remedies may contain no trace of the original substance. In fact, any homeopathic remedy over 24X potency (24 successive dilutions and succussions) will have no chemical trace of the original substance remaining.
See other principles of homeopathy in How Homeopathy Works
Using the Mother Tincture, drop 10 drops into a 1-ounce bottle of distilled water(filled up to the shoulder). Tap (succuss) against the heel of your hand (or a book) 100 times. You have made a 1c potency. Repeat the procedure five more times, but on the last time, however, use “Everclear” alcohol in the bottle instead of water. The mixture will then be potentised to a 6c and be preserved.