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12 Schuessler Cell Salts

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12 Schuessler cell salts are minerals essential to your body’s functions. These minerals include forms of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium,and silica that work at the cellular level; hence, the name CELL SALT. Having the right amount and proper balance brings cellular health. Healthy cells amount to a healthier you!

Learn more about cell salts in Dave’s book Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Diagnosis. See also 6 Ways to Use Cell SaltsAbout Cell Salts, Cell Salt Solutions


#1 Calc Fluor (Calcium Fluoride)

Calcium fluoride is the first of the 12 Schuessler cell salts. It is essential to the connective tissue of the body. It is helpful for all conditions of tissue weakness, prolapse, or excessive hardness. Tendons, ligaments, and joints benefit from this salt. Calcium fluoride strengthens tooth enamel. Therefore, it is a popular fluoride treatment for children in Europe. (It should be popular in the United States.)

Anywhere you may find hardness of tissues, this remedy applies. Cataracts as well as hard bumps or swellings make it very valuable. Also, any extreme sagging of muscle or tissue calls for this salt.

Facial signs for calcium fluoride deficiency include blue lips, brownish black circles under the eyes. Skin also include white skin flakes and translucent tips of teeth. Raised or fan-shaped wrinkles around the eyes are a calc fluor sign as well as cracked lips.

#2 Calc Phos (Calcium Phosphate)

Calcium phosphate is the second of the 12 Schuessler cell salts. It is important for bone health, injuries, and osteoporosis. Disturbed calcium metabolism can cause osteoporosis or bone spurs – same problem, different manifestations. This salt treats both of them over the course of several months. It is also useful for teeth and digestive problems.

Facial signs for calcium phosphate deficiency include a yellowish waxy appearance, translucent tips of teeth. White flakes appear in the teeth or fingernails. There is also a stretched-skin appearance on the cheekbones, and small or thin lips.

#3 Calc Sulph (Calcium Sulphate)

Calcium sulphate is a great salt for infections, pus, and general toxicity of the body. Discharges are usually yellow and filled with pus. Thus, this salt is helps detoxify the body and improve digestion. Other uses are to finish or clean up chronic infections.

Facial signs of calcium sulphate deficiency include an alabaster or dirty white coloring along the lower face or jaw line. Also, there can be liver spots or brown spots on the face.


#4 Ferrum Phos (Ferrum Phosphate)

Iron phosphate is important for blood and oxygenation of the blood. It is very useful for low fevers and the first signs of a cold or flu. It is the most useful cell salt for nose bleeds or other blood conditions. It is also helpful in the case of hemorrhages. Ferrum phos can be used for balancing iron in the body whether it is high or low, such as in pregnancy. It works to reduce anemia by helping the body to absorb iron.

Facial signs of iron phosphate deficiency show in bluish black circles under the eyes. Acutely, in fever conditions, we see red cheeks and ears. A person with this deficiency also may appear to sleep deprived or hung over. Paleness of face can show chronic conditions such as anemia.


#5 Kali Mur (Potassium Chloride)

Potassium chloride is useful for mucus conditions, especially for the lungs with coughs or allergies. The discharges for this cell salt are grey or thick white mucus. Kali mur is an important remedy that helps with medium fever conditions.

Facial signs of potassium chloride deficiency are a milky appearance to the skin which may be mixed with red, purple or blue. I have seen much success in acne rosacea for underlying spider veins, as well as raised bumps just below the shoulders on the upper arms.

#6 Kali Phos (Potassium Phosphate)

Potassium phosphate helps the nerves and gray matter of the brain. When the nerves are depleted by stress, we can see depression or sleeplessness. This is also used in pain and paralysis, fear, suspicion, and weakness of memory. This cell salt is for the anxious and nervous person. Nerves affected by Kali Phos are those of the central nervous system.

Facial signs of potassium phosphate deficiency show in an ashen gray appearance. Especially noted is a dull appearance of the eyes (they don’t sparkle). In more chronic conditions, sunken temples or cheeks may give the sign of deficiency of this cell salt. Bad breath and body odor (nervous sweat) is also a sign.

#7 Kali Sulph (Potassium Sulphate)

Potassium sulphate is specific to the third stage of inflammation or resolution. We find yellow discharges wherever there is a lack of sulphate in the system. With potassium sulphate deficiency there is breakdown of the skin, and high fevers may occur, from infections or inflammations. This is the body’s attempt to get rid of self-inflicted toxins from a poor diet, or polluted conditions modern living. When this cell salt brings sweating, it is near the end of the toxic condition. Kali sulph helps many skin conditions such as eczema, sinusitis, asthma, psoriasis, and more.

Facial signs of potassium sulphate deficiency are seen as brownish-yellow pigmentation across the nose-mouth area. Liver spots, pregnancy mask, freckles, or a lack of pigmentation (vitiligo) also show signs of deficiency of this salt.


#8 Mag Phos (Magnesium Phosphate)

Magnesium phosphate is a nerve remedy, like Kali phos, but deals with muscle nerves and fibers. Cramping is a major symptom of deficiency, so it is a great antispasmodic, useful for many areas of the body, including menstrual cramps. This mineral feeds the heart and cardiovascular system. Using heat and pressure will relieve pain. This is an important keynote of magnesium deficiency. For example, if applying heat relieves your pain or cramps, your are magnesium deficient.

Facial signs of magnesium phosphate deficiency are seen as blushing, in acute conditions. In chronic situations we see a constant redness of the cheeks or nose that we call “magnesium redness.” This may be a sign of liver damage, including those who are alcoholics.


#9 Nat Mur (Sodium Chloride)

Sodium chloride is the first sodium of the 12 Schuessler cell salts. It one of the most famous cell salts for digestion, arthritis, and water distribution problems. The keynote to this cell salt is dry mucus membranes or excessive watery discharges. Emotionally, a person with need of this salt may display grief and personal isolation. They are very sensitive and prefer to be alone. Deficiency of this cell salt may also manifest in malnutrition, constipation, anemia, and thin salty watery discharges.

Facial signs of sodium chloride deficiency show as a gelatinous appearance in the lower eyelid border. Along the hair line the skin is often red and greasy. Large pores are a sign of sodium chloride deficiency, as well as dandruff, puffy cheeks and a bloated appearance.

#10 Nat Phos (Sodium Phosphate)

Sodium phosphate governs the acid balance of the body. Alkalinity is health while over acid conditions promoter disease. Signs of acidity include sour body smell or sour-smelling discharges. Indigestion is a sign of lack of this salt. Candida infections, or vaginal yeast, as well as parasites come with over acid conditions as well.

Facial signs of sodium phosphate deficiency are seen in blackheads and a greasy combination skin. Yellow raised pimple-like bumps around the eyes can show deficiency. The chin is red. Cheeks have a dry or greasy appearance. Rings or metal jewelry can cause discoloration on the skin because of acidity. The tongue can have a yellow mucus coating.

#11 Nat Sulph (Sodium Sulphate)

Sodium sulphate is responsible for liver health, so it could be a great remedy to help in hepatitis problems. It is specifically for those with head injuries where the person becomes depressed and irritable. There are yellow discharges, as with all sulfates. This salt is responsible for helping the body to get rid of excess water, thus it is valuable for water retention. Sodium sulphate is also used for diabetes, asthma in children, and especially symptoms heightened in damp weather. Deficiency may also cause bad smelling gas.

Facial signs of sodium sulphate include a slight greenish cast (from underlying yellow) in acute conditions, as well as yellow eye sclera. Swollen lower eye bags are a sign of deficiency of this cell salt. In chronic conditions, where the liver is damaged, a swollen purplish red nose will appear, again in alcoholics.


#12 Silicea (Silica) 

Silicea is the last of the 12 Schuessler cell salts. Its deficiency is responsible for connective tissue weakness. It also has a special ability to help the body rid itself of foreign objects. For example, the body creates pus to push things out. This cell salt can dissolve scar tissue, therefore it is very useful for keloid scars, skin problems, and vaccination reactions. Emotionally, those needing Silica are timid, and their hands and feet are continuously cold. Similarly they often wear sweaters in the heat of the summer.

Facial signs of silica deficiency show in a glossy polished shine, as a bald man has. Wrinklies are also a sing. Specific to silica, wrinkles run parallel to the ears. There will also be crow’s feet (wrinkles from squinting or laughing). Generally, you will see deep set eyes. Their hair may be brittle, along with finger and toe nails. Red eyes are a deficiency sign.


Bioplasma is a combination of all 12 Schuessler cell salts which provides a broad-spectrum mineral supply. While feeding and nourishing the body it also acts as a mild detoxifier, cleaning on the cellular level.

Biochemic Phosphates

Biochemic Phosphates is a combination of 5 cell salts (all phosphates) that feed and strengthen the nerves. It is a great help for our fast-paced lives because it has the alkalizing phosphates which relieve depression, anxiety, stress, and nervousness.

-Calc phos affects the nerves associated with bones and digestion.
-Ferrum phos soothes nerve inflammation and oxygenates the body.
-Kali phos strengthens the central nervous system and feeds the brain.
-Mag phos helps nerve pain, cramping, and relaxes muscles.
-Nat phos affects the nerves by regulating the acid-alkaline balance.